Powering the next generation of massive virtual worlds.

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What is Donet?

Donet is a server software that handles all the networking for your game. It stands between the clients and the server-side game logic. Donet provides network culling, data persistence, security, reliability, and scalability to your virtual world.

  • Speedometer Icon

    Cutting Edge

    Designed for massive networked applications, in emphasis to building virtual online worlds.

  • Network Server Icon


    Donet sits between the clients' and the application’s logic.

  • Clients Symbolic Icon


    Suits heavy duty applications that require serving real-time data to thousands of clients.

How does it work?

Donet is designed to distribute the workload of operating a virtual world, or any real-time online application, by separating it’s fundamental functions into different services.

Donet leverages microservices to distribute the processing load that comes with powering a massive multiplayer online game to provide a scalable game server architecture that is flexible via configuration to meet your needs. These microservices can be connected together to make a Donet server cluster.

Example Donet Cluster

What features does it provide?

With Donet, you only need to worry about developing the logic for your application, and how to orchestrate your virtual world and its zones. The Donet cluster handles all the hard work, so you don't have to, including the following features:

  • Efficient serialization of field updates for game objects.

  • Storing and retrieving the state and location of your game objects.

    State Server
  • Distributing objects and field updates to interested clients.

  • Managing visibility for clients using interest to provide network culling.

    Network Culling
  • Ensuring game clients are communicating with the game server properly.

  • Enforces the network contract, as defined in the DC file, for the security of your application.

    Network Contract
  • Allows splitting your virtual world into different shards, controlled by independent 'AI' processes that host game logic.

  • Handling database interactions for syncing certain object fields to disk, using the database backend of your choice.

    Database Interaction
  • Built-in instrumentation for event logging and other internal telemetry.

    Internal Logging

No cost, no royalties.
It's Free and Open Source Software

The Donet software project is free and open source software, licensed under the GNU Affero General Public License version 3.0. Unlike other permissive FOSS licenses, the AGPLv3 license is specifically intended for software designed to be run over a network. The AGPL is based off the GNU General Public License version 3, which adds a provision requiring that the corresponding source code of modified versions of the software be prominently offered to all users who interact with the software over a network.

Read the Full License